Dental Bonding–Wardork, MD

Revamp Your Smile with Dental Bonding

Dentist performing dental bonding

If you're unhappy with your smile, you don't need invasive dental procedures to fix your teeth. At Open Smiles Dental, your cosmetic dentist can improve the way your teeth look using a minimally invasive solution. Dental bonding offers a lot of bang for your buck because it's affordable and delivers quick results. After just one appointment, you'll have a dazzling smile you'll want to show off.

Why Choose Open Smiles Dental for Dental Bonding?

  • Natural-Looking Results
  • Durable and Long-Lasting
  • Personalized Treatment Plans

What Is Dental Bonding?

Chipped front tooth

Dental bonding uses a composite resin to correct minor issues, like:

  • Tooth Decay
  • Exposed Tooth Roots
  • Chips or Cracks
  • Gaps Between Teeth

Your dentist will prepare your tooth and apply a weak acid to its surface to open the pores in your enamel. This ensures a strong bonding surface. Your tooth is rinsed and dried before the composite resin is placed on it, which has been previously shaded to match the color of your enamel to blend in.

Your dentist will mold the resin and harden it using a special dental light before smoothing and polishing your tooth. You'll walk out of your appointment with a beautiful smile to boost your confidence.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Bonding?

Female patient pointing to tooth

Dental bonding can be used for many reasons, but it's not right for everyone. It's recommended for patients who have good oral health and need to correct minor issues. You'll require an initial consultation with your dentist to ensure it's an option for you. They'll examine your mouth and learn more about your goals to create a personalized treatment plan.

The Benefits of Dental Bonding

Man with an attractive smile

You have more options than ever before to enhance your smile, but dental bonding continues to rank among the most popular procedures and for good reasons. Dental bonding provides natural-looking results using a material that is proven to last for 5 to 15 years with the right aftercare, like brushing and flossing.

You won't have to undergo several procedures or deal with lengthy treatments. In about 30 to 90 minutes, you'll have the dazzling smile you desire. There won't be a long recovery or any downtime.

You'll benefit from a quick process that accommodates your budget. It is more affordable than many other procedures, and it can be covered by your dental insurance if it's medically necessary, like to fix a chipped tooth. Our office also provides many financial solutions to keep a picture-perfect smile within your budget.

If you're ready to love the smile you see in the mirror, it's time to see if you're a candidate for dental bonding. Request an appointment online or call (240) 788-2566.