BOTOX®— Waldorf, MD

Turn Back the Clock on Aging with BOTOX®

a cosmetic dentist administering BOTOX

While wrinkles and fine lines are signs of aging that some people feel comfortable wearing, others may not. If your facial wrinkles don’t make you feel confident or make you appear older than you actually are, BOTOX in Waldorf may be the perfect solution. Dr. Akinwande is certified and specially trained in BOTOX injections as well as an active member of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. Her expertise and commitment to helping patients enhance their smiles and feel the most confident they’ve ever been makes her a top choice for patients in Waldorf!

Why Choose Open Smiles Dental for BOTOX®?

  • Trained and Certified in BOTOX® Treatment
  • Alphaeon Credit Financing Available
  • Comprehensive Dentistry Under One Roof

What is BOTOX®?

a dentist with a syringe and bottle of BOTOX

BOTOX injections are a diluted bacteria, called botulinum toxin, that can be injected into muscles to help them relax. Because wrinkles and fine lines are created by tense and scrunched muscles, BOTOX is able to help them smooth out, minimizing the appearance of lines caused by frowning, squinting, and other habits.

The number of injections you receive will largely depend on what types of wrinkles you want to address and their locations. Each one will take approximately five minutes to administer, and in many cases, appointments for BOTOX don’t last for longer than an hour.

Over the five days following their treatment, patients will notice their wrinkles fade, revealing a more youthful appearance. Typically, these results can last anywhere from three to six months before additional treatment is needed.

Who is a Good Candidate for BOTOX®?

a couple exercising

While many patients are good candidates for this treatment, those who have certain neuromuscular conditions, are pregnant, have skin disorders, or are looking for ways to address deep facial scars may not be ideal candidates. That’s why it’s a great idea to schedule a consultation with Dr. Akinwande, to decide whether BOTOX can help you achieve the results you’re looking for.

Typically, we recommend injections to patients in their late 20s or older who are looking to address certain facial features, lines, and wrinkles, including:

  • Lines at the corners of the mouth
  • Smoker’s lines located around the lips
  • Thin lips
  • Gummy smile
  • Soften a hard, square-shaped jawline
  • Minimize the appearance of sagging skin around the jawline
  • Crow’s feet
  • Vertical lines between the eyebrows

The Benefits of BOTOX®

a man with glasses smiling

Patients will be able to enjoy a variety of benefits when they invest in BOTOX injections, including:

  • Non-Invasive Cosmetic Procedure: Instead of opting for a surgical procedure like a face lift, you can achieve similar results without a scalpel, sutures, or recovery time with BOTOX injections.
  • Lasting Results: Results from BOTOX injections typically last between three and six months depending on your habits and how often you receive them.
  • Cost-Effective: BOTOX injections are priced per syringe and are an incredibly cost-effective way to improve your overall appearance and boost your confidence.
  • Delicate, Natural-Looking Effects: Many patients get concerned that their results will make it obvious that they’ve had “work done.” However, when completed by a trained professional like Dr. Akinwande, you can rest assured that the results will be subtle and look natural, simply enhancing your existing features.